Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Winning Smile...

Ellianah has been in the mimicking phase for while now, and she has this fantastic “cheese” face that she just recently introduced after watching me make big cheesy grins at her in the rear-view mirror of the car all of the time.  One day she started making the hilarious scrunch face, and at first, we couldn’t figure out where she got it from.  I finally realized, and we’ve been getting her to do her “cheese” face on command ever since.

She first really introduced it at her one-year birthday party in December. 

It has since evolved, and now there are several variations of it.  The tired version, when she’s sleepy and we’re driving to school/daycare in the morning is hilarious.  Yesterday, I did the cheese face to her, and she blinked her eyes dramatically, but opted out of the smile, since her pacifier was in her mouth.  It was so cute!  We blinked back and forth and couple of times, and I had a good little giggle!  Of course, I was unable to snap a picture of this, since I was driving.  Maybe it will reappear when I have my camera (not while driving, of course). 

When she does have the energy to give us the full cheesy grin in all its glory, it’s more of a dramatic and intense blink combined with a grin and clenching of the teeth.  

It makes Jon and I giggle every time!  I absolutely love this precious little girl!

1 comment:

  1. My nephew did the same thing about that age...too cute =)!!!
