Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sometimes, Life is just so "daily"...

The past 2 weeks have been a whirlwind!  I feel like I’ve experienced almost every emotion imaginable-but thankfully, God has brought me full circle, and back to a place of thanksgiving and joy in knowing that I can’t sweat the small stuff, and GOD IS IN CONTROL!  We’ve experienced some funny, scary, and frustrating moments that have kept me on my toes (all but one-I’ll explain later), up at night, and laughing until I cry just to get through at times.  But through it all-I have been reminded that life goes on, and things could always be worse.  Complaining is useless, and God is so faithful to meet our every need. 

Here are some of the things we’ve been through in the past 2 weeks: 
-Ellie was very sick due to a cold, teething, constipation, and an undiagnosed ear infection that caused a ruptured eardrum ALL AT ONCE.  She was such a trooper through it all, and I just can’t believe what a champ she was!  Thank God for antibiotics!
-My “I do” mom (married my Dad), while celebrating their 10 year anniversary tomorrow to my Dad (yay), has been counseling and supporting the emotional burden of her ex-husband's recent diagnosis of Stage 4 Melanoma cancer.
-Several homes we’ve called on to rent in April have echoed “no pets” our discouragement.
-I almost ripped off my toenail (not pretty and very annoying more than anything) being a klutz, and was forced to hobble, while pregnant, with a 14 month old. (Are you playing your tiny violin for me?) J
-Sophia, Ellie’s 7-month-old cousin in Idaho contracted a MRSA Staph infection and had to have surgery.  She’s recovering-but she’s still not out of the dark just yet.
-Our MAC desktop up and died for no reason…turns out he problem was an easy fix, and covered under the warranty-hallelujah!
-I am celebrating 25 weeks of pregnancy this Tuesday, a fabulous Valentine’s Day with my hubby, a healthy daughter, and the privilege of having a bed to sleep in, a home to live in, food on my table, and a car to drive!

Even though these past 2 weeks have been trying, I am reminded that my issues are so minor and insignificant at times when compared to what my friends, family and neighbors are all dealing with.

God did not promise of a life without trial and circumstance, but He did promise to walk the journey with us, to give us the tools needed to navigate through, and even keep us laughing in the midst of frustration. 

I am so thankful, so blessed and so humbled.


  1. Wow Erin... sounds like a whirlwind for sure! Hang in there, and I'll keep you in my prayers... that you would find the perfect house to rent :) Love you girl!

  2. Thanks Jessica! I know God will provide...I just can't sit still and trust! So...THAT's what I'm praying for. God is good, we are MUCH better now, and all will be well...for a little while at least! :)
