Thursday, March 17, 2011


Hello all!  It’s been a couple of weeks since I’ve been able to find the energy to blog.  This is reflective of the crazy schedule I’ve lived lately, as well as the welcoming of my good friend fatigue-as I’ve entered my 3rd Trimester of pregnancy.  I am currently 29 weeks and feel great, but I feel pooped after simple everyday tasks, and this baby is MUCH lower, much sooner than Ellie was-so it’s become quite a challenge to sit on my booty in the computer chair for more than a few minutes at a time.

I know, excuses, excuses.

All that to say, I have so many things to blog about.  So, I hope to get to that now that I’ve been on spring break.

Soon enough…I will finish a post…I just know it!


  1. No apologies, you have every right to be pooped! Pregnant, raising a toddler, and working full time :) I can't wait to hear your updates!

  2. I'm totally with Jess. You are a busy lady!

  3. Hey girl, found your blog again. Hope you are feeling better and getting some rest. I also hope your little one is healthy. Its so hard when they are sick a lot. No rest for the mama.
